Reports + Articles


OHCS Site Review Schedule for 2012 CFC

Starting in 2012, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will arrange third-party site reviews of acquisition rehabilitation projects (including Preservation) at the beginning of the Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) process. Feedback from project sponsors indicated that information from the reviews would be help in drafting CFC applications. Site visits will take place between January 17 and 31 and applicants will receive the review team’s recommendations by February 17. OHCS will post the 2012 CFC application online on January 9, with final materials due by March 30. Sponsor’s planning to submit a 2012 CFC application for a project not considered during the 2011 CFC must notify the Regional Advisor to the Department (RAD) for their area by January 6. Click here for more information.

— Posted on 12/19/2011