Reports + Articles


OHCS Publishes 2012 CFC Application and Funding Amounts Available

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) recently published the application for the 2012 Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) and announced a training webinar on January 26. Applications are due March 30. Available funding in 2012 includes $8 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), $10 million in Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credits (OAHTCs), $5 million in trust fund (HDGP), $3.7 million in HOME funds, $700,000 in weatherization funds (LIWP), and a $240,000 set aside for special needs populations (HELP). OHCS also continue its preference to set aside 50% of all funding available through the CFC for Preservation projects. Click here for a link to the application and further information on the upcoming webinar.

— Posted on 1/11/2012