Reports + Articles


HUD Solicits Applications for Project-Based Section 8 Contract Administrators

HUD recently opened the application process for entities seeking to administer project-based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contracts in each state. The designated entities, referred to as Performance-Based Contract Administrators (PBCAs), receive administrative funding and handle all aspects of HAP contracts with property owners, from renewal to compliance. Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is expected to apply to remain the PBCA in Oregon and will have the benefit of being the experienced applicant from the state.

During the lead up to HUD’s request for applications concerns arose that the agency would solicit only regional/multistate PBCAs, but the application materials discuss one PBCA per state (except California). However, an entity may still apply to be the sole PBCA for more than one state, as long as that entity’s resulting portfolio would not include more than 33% of the national total covered by HAP contracts.

Organizations may also create a partnership to serve as the state’s PBCA. HUD specifically states in the application materials an administrative objective of encouraging such partnerships in order “to obtain the benefit of the best practices of both public and private sectors.”

Applications are due to HUD by April 28. Click here for links to the application and additional details.

— Posted on 3/30/2011

New Guidance Allows Additional Multi-Family Properties to Access Weatherization Funds

Owners and managers of HUD-assisted multi-family properties can now self-certify that their property meets the income requirements in order to qualify for Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) funds. Though HUD and the Department of Energy released a list of automatically qualified multi-family properties in March 2010, data limitations prevented the inclusion of many properties that contain multiple buildings and addresses. New guidance issued by HUD lays out the process for self-certifying that each building at a property houses at least 66% residents (50% for buildings with two to four units) with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level. Click here for the HUD notice.

Oregon received $38 million in WAP funds after the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in 2009. Though Administration officials estimate a national average below 10%, multi-family properties account for approximately 36% of awarded ARRA WAP funds in Oregon.

— Posted on 3/09/2011